
5 Best Google Maps Crawlers in 2024

5 min read

Even when you are not driving around, Google Maps has much to offer. Most notably, Google Maps is a great source to check out if you are looking for local leads or business data. You can get business information such as phone numbers, websites, addresses, hours, reviews, addresses, zip codes, latitude, longitude, and more.

In this article, we will review the best 5 Google Maps crawlers out there to help you scrape data from Google Maps easily and quickly. There are numerous ways to create Google Maps data scrapers. Try the following and see which one best suits your data needs.

1. Octoparse – the Best Google Maps Scraper

Octoparse, the best web scraping tool, with which you can build crawlers to scrape data without any coding skills. Using dragging-and-dropping, you can easily build a workflow that scrapes the information you need from any website.

What is neat about Octoparse is that it has quite several pre-built web scraping templates dedicated exclusively to Google Maps. You can get a spreadsheet with business names, phone numbers, addresses, websites, ratings, and more within minutes. Simply enter keywords or URLs in the templates and Octoparse will start to scrape data automatically.


Crawlers created with Octoparse can be run both on local machines and in the Cloud. The free version is good for downloading up to 10,000 lines of data. If you download Octoparse’s latest version, you can try the data auto-detect algorithm to export search results from Google Maps within seconds.


  • No coding required; User-friendly interface.
  • Allows for automated, scheduled scraping tasks.
  • Offers cloud-based scraping options.
  • Support data export formats: CSV, HTML, Excel, JSON, XML, Google Sheets, and databases(SqlServer and MySql).
  • Support integration with other tools and services via Open API.
  • Support scraper customization.
  • Handle different anti-scraping measures.

Watch a video to set up a Google Maps Scraper with Octoparse

2. Places API from Google Maps Platform

Yes, the Google Maps Platform provides an official Places API for developers! It’s one of the best ways to gather place data from Google Maps, and developers can get up-to-date information about millions of locations using HTTP requests via the API.

To use the Places API, you should first set up an account and create your API key. The Places API is not free and uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Nevertheless, the data fields provided by the Places API are limited, and thus you may not get all the data you need.


  • You can get up-to-date and accurate information.
  • Allows developers to filter and sort place data based on specific criteria, such as type, location, and radius.
  • Easy to integrate with various applications using straightforward API calls.
  • Available for web, Android, and iOS.


  • The price structure is complicated and the price is high for large-volume extraction.
  • There are usage quotas and rate limits that can restrict the number of API calls you can make within a given time period.
  • Requires setting up billing with Google Cloud.

3. Python Framework or Library

You can make use of powerful Python Frameworks or Libraries such as Scrapy and Beautiful Soup to customize your crawler and scrape exactly what you want. To be specific, Scrapy is a framework that is used to download, clean, and store data from web pages, and has a lot of built-in code to save you time, while BeautifulSoup is a library that helps programmers quickly extract data from web pages.

In this way, you have to write codes yourself to build the crawler and deal with everything. Therefore, only those programmers who master web scraping are competent in this project.


  • Full control over the scraping process.
  • Typically free of charge and open-source.
  • Scale as Needed.
  • Easy to integrate the scraper with other Python-based tools and services, such as data analysis libraries (Pandas, NumPy) and machine learning frameworks (TensorFlow, Scikit-learn).
  • Directly interface with APIs and databases.


  • Coding required.
  • Time-consuming and requires ongoing maintenance.
  • Have to deal with anti-scraping measures.
  • May incur costs related to server infrastructure, proxies, and data storage solutions.
  • Need to handle errors due to network errors, changes in HTML structure, and dynamic content loading.

4. Open-source Projects on GitHub

Some projects for crawling Google Maps can be found on GitHub. There are plenty of good open-source projects that have already been created by others, so let’s not reinvent the wheels.

Even if you don’t need to write most of the codes yourself, you still need to know the rudiments and write some codes to run the script, making it difficult for those who know little about coding. The quantity and quality of your dataset are highly dependent on the open-source project on GitHub, which lacks maintenance. Also, the output can only be a .txt file, and thus if you want a large scale of data, it may not be the best way for you to get data.


  • Free access and no subscription fee.
  • Save time compared to developing a scraper from scratch.


  • Requires programming knowledge.
  • Not all projects are actively maintained, which can lead to issues if Google changes its site structure or anti-scraping measures.
  • Using open-source code can pose security risks if the code contains vulnerabilities or malicious components.

5. Web Scraper – Browser Extension

Web Scraper is the most popular web scraping extension. Download the Google Chrome browser and install the extension Web Scraper and you can start to use it. You don’t have to write codes or download software to scrape data, a Chrome extension will be enough for most cases.

However, the extension is not that powerful when handling complex structures of web pages or scraping some heavy data.


  • No code solution.
  • No download. Fast setup time.
  • Support scheduling and various export formats such as CSV, JSON, and Excel.


  • less capable of handling large-scale scraping tasks.
  • May struggle with sophisticated anti-scraping mechanisms.
  • Need manual updates to scraping rules.

Final Thoughts

Now, you have a general idea about how to scrape data from Google Maps with these Google Maps scrapers. According to your own needs, select the most suitable one, whether it is cloud-based or desktop-based, coding or no-coding. Octoparse is always your best choice if you want to scrape Google Maps data easily and quickly.

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