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What happens when a premium subscription expires?
What happens when a premium subscription expires?
Updated over a week ago

When will my Premium subscription expire?

  • You've cancelled your subscription to the Octoparse premium plan.

  • The payment method has been removed or expired.

What will happen to my account then?

  • When the premium subscription expired, your account will revert to a free account.

  • You will no longer be able to make use of our premium features, including cloud extraction, Scheduled Extraction, Auto IP rotation and API access, etc.

*check out the pricing page for details of different plans

How about my data extracted when the subscription expired?

  • You will not be able to export the data extracted in the cloud.

*Please note that data extracted with cloud extraction will be saved on our server for 3 months. If you want to get the data before it is ultimately deleted, you can renew your subscription.

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