
Believe It Or Not, PHP Is Everywhere

3 min read


PHP is a great language to learn. PHP can be very useful if you wanna go out to develop web APP that you can sell. It’s very easy to learn and you can use it to create very useful things. With PHP, with a little bit of knowledge, you can start creating programs that you can start putting on your website or your client’s website. Literally, within days of working language, PHP is very easy.

PHP is a programming language that makes websites useful. So whenever you go to a website, that website has been created with a number of different programming languages. The first programming language that is created with HTML. (Hypertext Markup Language) HTML creates all the formatting for the words on the page. If you want a word or sentence to be bold or you want a sentence or paragraph to be center, this is done through HTML. CSS is another programming language that allows you to put things that allows you to do more with formatting like creating boxes, which makes the webs pretty. You may have heard of JavaScript. JavaScript is what gives all the flash to a website. If you go to a website and rollover, a picture on that website changes to a different picture. When your cursor is hovering over that picture and something else happens on the website, that is what JavaScript makes. While PHP does all the heavy lifting for the website, it is what really makes the website work. The big thing that PHP does is allow you to interact with data into dynamic web pages. When you were dealing with HTML or JavaScript or CSS, you open up a text editor or other editor like Dream Weaver, you edit the website however you want it to learn just like editing a Word document. When you’re done, you simply upload to the webserver. So anytime you want to make any change, you have to go back and do it manually.

With PHP, it allows you to dynamically write the HTML, JS, and CSS as the pay is being delivered to the end-user. When you log into a website and it says “Hello, Blablabla(your name)”, the reason that happens is when you log into the website and the site uses PHP and knows your name, it dynamically write all the HTML and put your name up there.

With PHP, it allows you to dynamically write the HTML, JS, and CSS as the pay is being delivered to the end-user. When you log into a website and it says “Hello, Blablabla(your name)”, the reason that happens is when you log into the website and the site uses PHP and knows your name, it dynamically write all the HTML and put your name up there.

With PHP, it allows you to dynamically write the HTML, JS, and CSS as the pay is being delivered to the end-user. When you log into a website and it says “Hello, Blablabla(your name)”, the reason that happens is when you log into the website and the site uses PHP and knows your name, it dynamically write all the HTML and put your name up there.

working web

The other thing that’s good with PHP is that it allows you to work with data. PHP is an intermediary between the text files or to SQL or other databases. If you want to write information to a file or database, you will use PHP. So if you go to a website and there’s a little form and has a little submit button, when you click that submit button, that’s the button that triggers a PHP script. That PHP script will then go and circuit database or text files. If you’re thinking what website out there most uses PHP, that would be Craigslist and Facebook.

PHP scripts run on the webserver. When you try to access the webserver and the script is run, all the information or process is done on the web server itself. Only the results are sent to your computer. So basically you access the webserver, the webserver will write out the HTML file and then will only send you the HTML file. All you need are a basic text editor and a web server in order to create PHP programs. Use FTP to upload and download the script from server. All you need to do is to upload the script to the server

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